Area Rugs in Winston-Salem, NC from Carpet Designers Inc

Area Rug Sizes Made Easy: A Winston-Salem Homeowner's Guide

You've found the perfect area rug – the color is stunning, the pattern speaks to your style, and the texture feels luxurious. But then comes the moment of doubt: is this rug the right size for your space?

Choosing the correct area rug size is crucial for creating a balanced and visually appealing room. A rug that's too small can make your space feel disjointed, while one that's too large can overwhelm the room. Don't let sizing woes hold you back from enjoying the perfect rug!

Here we'll cover standard rug sizes, give you room-by-room placement tips, and share some pro tricks to make sure you get the perfect fit every time.

Common Rug Sizes

Before we dive into specifics, let's get familiar with some standard area rug sizes you might encounter:

  • Small Rugs: 2' x 3', 4' x 6', 5' x 8' (Great for entryways, hallways, or accenting small spaces)
  • Medium Rugs: 8' x 10' (Versatile size suitable for many living rooms)
  • Large Rugs: 9' x 12', 10' x 14' (Ideal for spacious living rooms or defining open floor plans)
  • Runners: 2.5' x 8' and longer (Perfect for hallways, staircases, or beside beds)

Rug Sizing for Your Living Room

Your living room is the heart of your home, and the right area rug can make it even more inviting. Here's a simple guideline:

  • All on the Rug: For a cohesive look, choose a rug large enough that all your living room furniture fits entirely on it.
  • Front Legs On: A more budget-friendly option is to choose a rug where at least the front legs of your sofa and chairs sit on the rug.
  • Floating Rug: If you have a smaller space, a "floating rug" where none of the furniture touches it can also work, visually centering the seating area.

Rug Sizing for Your Bedroom

A cozy rug in your bedroom adds warmth and softness underfoot. Consider these tips:

  • Extending Out: Ideally, your rug should extend at least 18-24 inches beyond the sides and foot of your bed.
  • Bedside Runners: Runners placed on either side of your bed are a great alternative, adding softness where you step out of bed.

Rug Sizing for Your Dining Room

Ensure your dining experience is comfortable and spill-free with these sizing guidelines:

  • Room for Chairs: Your rug should be large enough to accommodate your dining chairs even when they're pulled out from the table. Allow for at least 24 inches of extra rug beyond the chairs on all sides.

Pro Tips:

  • Painter's Tape: Use painter's tape to map out different rug sizes on your floor before buying.
  • Measure Twice, Buy Once: Carefully measure your space and consider the placement of your furniture.
  • Don't Forget the Rug Pad: A rug pad adds comfort, prevents slipping, and protects your floors.

Finding the Perfect Area Rug Fit at Gallery and Flooring

Selecting the right size area rug is essential for creating a polished and well-designed look in your Winston-Salem home. At Gallery and Flooring, we offer a vast selection of area rugs in various sizes, styles, and colors to complement any decor.

Visit our showroom in Winston-Salem or browse our online selection today! Our knowledgeable staff is ready to guide you through the exciting world of area rugs, ensuring you find the perfect fit for every room in your home. We proudly serve Winston-Salem, Lewisville, Clemmons, Advance & Mocksville. So contact us today and let's find the perfect area rug for your home!